Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a critical situation without adequate knowledge of how to proceed? Staying educated and up to date on first aid techniques can help you not only save someone else’s life but also take care of your own.
The most effective way to learn how to develop and build these skills is by taking a First Aid or CPR course. These courses help outline the fundamentals of how to cope with different medical emergencies. They also give you the adequate skills and knowledge to perform lifesaving techniques on another individual.
It is only natural to forget what you have learned over time, especially if you have not applied the skills. Therefore, it is important to make sure you renew your certification as per the Red Cross guidelines. In the meantime, whether you have a First Aid Certification or not, you have an option to access essential information in one neat platform – The Red Cross First Aid App.
This official Canadian Red Cross First Aid app is available for all to download on their Apple or Android devices. Not only does this app give you access to lifesaving information, but it also includes videos, interactive quizzes, and step-by-step guidelines to keep your knowledge up to date. Common emergency topics covered in the app include allergies/anaphylaxis, applying a tourniquet, asthma attacks, bleeding, broken bone, burns, choking, diabetic emergency, heat stroke, hypothermia, heart attack, etc. The list goes on and covers First Aid content for a wide range of circumstances.
The best part about this app is that it also includes preloaded content that you can access without an internet connection or reception. As you can imagine this is a super handy tool that could prove beneficial in an emergency. Download the app to stay informed on First Aid on the Go!