Emergency First Aid with CPR C and AED
Online Blended (half online, half in-class)
Emergency First Aid with CPR C and AED Online Blended (half online, half in-class)
Learn how to prevent, recognize and respond to cardiovascular emergencies for adults, choking, airway and breathing emergencies, and prevention of disease.
Who Should Attend:
- No prerequisites required
- Anyone who needs training due to work requirement (for workplaces with less than 5 workers on any given shift)
- Recommended for security guards, drivers, any trades person
- Recognized by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Fulfills all WSIB Regulation 1101
- Meets Ontario Health and Safety (OHS) regulations
- 4 hours* online + 9 AM - 2 PM in class
- Online training time is self paced
- Online component must be completed BEFORE attending in-person class
3 year certification in Emergency First Aid & CPR Level C / AED
$109 + HST